Musk’s supporters applaud his stance, arguing that he is protecting traditional values and questioning the impact of messages promoting “woke culture.” However, critics have described this action as an attack on diversity and inclusion, principles that Disney has tried to reflect in its productions in recent years.

Musk’s move has also raised questions about censorship and the control that big tech platforms exert over the content that circulates on them. Some experts point out that this decision could set a dangerous precedent in terms of freedom of expression, as it reflects the unilateral power of social media owners to decide what content is valid or not.

Meanwhile, Disney has not issued an official comment on the matter, but sources close to the company claim that this situation could escalate into a legal conflict.
Musk’s action, as always, has polarized public opinion, placing the entrepreneur back at the center of the debate on the limits of cultural freedom and the power of digital platforms in contemporary society.